Title 24 Lighting Acceptance Testing Services
At Nation Electric, we can help to ensure that your residential, commercial and industrial location is fitted with lighting systems that are in accordance with all Building Energy Efficiency Standards of the California Energy Code.
Lighting Acceptance Services
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Nation Electric & Construction Inc. help you ensure that your building is in compliance with the various provisions in the Energy Standards. Our technicians are equipped with vast knowledge and an in-depth understanding of the latest provisions of these Standards and we will help you ensure that you are (or rather, your building is) not found wanting in this regard. We specialize in the inspection of title 24 commercial lighting acceptance testing across Los Angeles.
Do I need Acceptance Testing?
From the changes made in the California Energy Standards in 2014, your are required to getting lighting control acceptance for any nonresidential building by a certified Lighting Control Professional, like us. Nation Electric is certified by the CALCTP & CALCTP-AT Programs.
So What’s CALCTP-AT?
“The California Advanced Lighting Controls Training Program (CALCTP) is a statewide initiative aimed at increasing the use of lighting controls in commercial buildings and industrial facilities through education”
The 2016 Building Energy Efficiency Standards require technicians in California to conduct a test on lighting controls in commercial & industrial buildings. Nation Electric & Construction is certified by CALCTP-AT for commercial title 24 certification acceptance testing, Do you need an inspector to make sure that your Industrial & commercial building in Los Angeles in up to date with the current energy standards?
Consult Nation Electric & Construction Today!
Industrial & Commerical Lighting Acceptance / Title 24
In July 2014, Title 24 2013 Building Energy Code requires complete testing of lighting control systems in all nonresidential areas in California. Nation Electric & Construction is certified by CALCTP-AT. The California Advanced Lighting Control Training Program is an accredited certification program for commercial & industrial inspections.
Learn about receiving Commercial Title 24 certification for your commercial lighting projects in Los Angeles, CA.
Title 24 Lighting
What is Title 24?
The California Title 24 Building Energy Efficiency Standards were designed by the state government of California to that every building (whether residential, industrial, or commercial) in the state, regardless of when constructed or erected, is able to achieve optimal levels of energy efficiency and is able to preserve the quality of their environment, both outdoors and indoors. These energy checks and measures (Title 24, Part 6) are listed in the California Code of Regulations, specifically the California Energy Code.
What is the exact importance of these energy standards?
The California Energy Commission is required by law to adopt changes to the standards every three years. These changes are those that are cost effective for homeowners over the 30-year lifespan of a building. The standards are updated in order to make allowance for and incorporate any new and energy efficient methods in construction and technology that may spring up in that time. When any new methods come up, they are reviewed and upon ratification, the Standards are amended to make room for them. The Standards help in saving energy, increasing the reliability and efficiency of electricity supply, increasing the comfort of those living in buildings, avoiding the need to construct new power plants and helping to preserve the sanctity of our natural environment. It is only right that they are kept current and up-to-date with the current evolutions in technology.
What Can Nation Electric Do?
Nation Electric & Construction will ensure that your building is in compliance with the various provisions in the Energy Standards. Our technicians are equipped with vast knowledge and an in-depth understanding of the latest provisions of these Standards and we will help you ensure that you are safe and energy efficient for the future.